Summertime! (2)

Publié le par benedictecaillatblog

Very high temperatures brought their fair load of thunderstorms, with beautiful dark skies and sun light shining through...

It's difficult to draw them "live" due to the obvious weather conditions, and colouring has to be quick to catch the dramatic changes, the rolling clouds, and the atmosphere.

Now the Mistral has cleared it all, I'm just in time for my daily session of chaise-longing...





Thunderstorm over apricot trees and cherry blossoms last spring:




Unmissable exhibition of a great Drôme painter, Pierre Boncompain, in Montélimar's new Contemporary Art Museum (until October 2013)

Une exposition incontournable pour les amoureux des paysages drômois (mais pas seulement!): Pierre Boncompain, rétrospective à Montélimar jusqu'en Octobre 2013:





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